
Monday, October 11, 2010

Colored Site Plans

above are a few colored site plans. these are generally done to sort of impress the owners and investors, as well as city and county officials for wherever you are trying to build a building, so in this case, golden, littleton, and parker.

the first is of a church i did for the owner of my old company, alan ojala. he was working the design, but it was never built after the investors got cold feet.

the middle two are of a site called lot 20 -- this site was worked and reworked who knows how many times. at one point at had 3 buildings, now there are 5.

the third one is of a site out in parker called "compark", near dove valley. i re-worked and re-designed the layout so many times -- it will probably never be built.

these were all initially done as autocad drawings. it took me a long time to finally a establish a good system to be able to crank these out fast enough to make them a "worth while" effort.

so at first i would print a large plot of the cad drawing, then scan the print in as a .tiff file, then i would open it and color in photoshop. the only thing that sucked was that in all that scanning and whatever, the scale of the drawing would get kind of whacky -- just ever so off. so it wasnt "that" big of a deal, but my boss was always a bit prickly, so i wanted to make it more accurate.

over time i have discovered the magic of PDF's, and just how smooth PDF files and photoshop jive with one another.

so now i with "print" to pdf, and then color in photoshop.

its amazing how you can screw so many things up getting good at something, and then it becomes so simple that you forget it was ever hard.

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